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مركز صفية علي كانو للفنون (الطابق الثالث)، بوغزال، مملكة البحرين

Story writing competition

Story Writing Competition for Kids and Teens is an initiative by Bahrain Trust Foundation in collaboration with Bahrain Authority for Culture and Antiquities. This collaboration stems from the belief of both parties that education and training are fundamental keys to enhancing creativity among our future generations and encouraging them to read and pursue paths of knowledge. This competition has been held every two years since 2018. Its themes aims to create educational stories to enrich the curricula of educational projects for both government and private schools inside and outside Bahrain. Its themes are centered around engaging issues, as follows:

  • Enhancing Bahraini identity and national belonging
  • Exploring the world around us
  • Exploring fun STEAM
  • Raising awareness about sustainable and green cities
  • Encouraging recycling
  • Encouraging entrepreneurship
  • Raising awareness about sustainable development


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