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مركز صفية علي كانو للفنون (الطابق الثالث)، بوغزال، مملكة البحرين

Bahrain Endowment

An endowment is a limited fund that represents the capital that contributes to the continuation of the project for which it was established. In the endowment, the profits of the funds or the amount generated from their investment are utilized instead of directly exploiting or disposing of them.


Types of endowment

  • Cash endowment
  • Endowment of money in investment portfolios 
  • Real estate endowment (land and buildings) 
  • Endowment of shares in companies 
  • Direct in-kind endowment: (endowment of books – endowment of computer hardware and software)


Where will the endowment funds be spent?

  • Establishing and operating mini-schools and building school playgrounds
  • Establishing and operating educational spaces
  • Establishing an electronic platform for education in schools and developing educational technologies.
  • Sponsoring students and providing psychological, educational, social and material support.
  • Establishing libraries and information resources of all kinds and supporting the storytelling initiative.
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